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Director Info



Union Stadium

12509 N Market

Mead, WA 99201


CLICK HERE for link to Google Maps


CLICK HERE for Event Map




ADMISSION TICKET PRICES - please be prepared to show ID


Reserved Seating  (NEW since 2021)

  • Adult tickets are $25

  • Seniors age 65 and above are $20

  • Students and military members with ID are $20

  • Children age 6 and under are $20


NOTE: the Reserved Seating area will be closely monitored.  Spectators in this area will be required to have the appropriate ticket and/or wristband.


General Admission Seating

  • Adult tickets are $20

  • Seniors age 65 and above are $15

  • Students and military members with ID are $15

  • Children age 6 and under are free


NOTE: For Re-Entry purposes, all spectators will be given a wristband or handstamp.


Forms of Payment

  • Tickets can be ordered online in advance.

  • Ticket sales onsite at the ticket window can be purchased by CHECK OR CASH.

    • Order on your phone while waiting in line (if possible)

    • Purchase tickets from our ticket window from our volunteers



Gates to the parking lot for buses will be open at approximately 7:30AM

Gates to the parking lot for spectators will be open at approximately 8AM. 

Gates open to the stadium for spectators at approximately 9AM



Please use the intersection of Farwell and Freya to enter the "backstage" area. This is the Northwest corner of the stadium and soccer field property.  Please reference the event map above as a visual guide.


Upon arrival, you will be greeted by a volunteer or parking attendant that will give you a packet with wristbands and other info as well as direct your buses and vehicles to your designated parking area. They will assist you in any way they can. 


BAG CHECKS (New beginning 2021)

Prior to entry, all bags are subject to search by CMS (Crowd Management Services).


STADIUM ENTRY - Passes/Wristbands

All persons entering the stadium will need a wristband (directors, spectators, student performers, staff members, chaperones, etc).


Each student performer will be given a wristband.  As per the NWAPA, our show shall provide Show Passes (wristbands) to bands attending their show as follows: one pass per every eight performing students, minimum 10 passes. The distribution of these passes to staff member, volunteers, etc., shall be at the discretion of the band director. Show Sponsors are also required to allot ten (10) additional show passes to each participating unit at half the General Admission ticket price for extra staff or volunteers supporting their unit. Show Sponsors shall indicate how additional passes are obtained in Director’s Packet (see Director’s Packet)


Note: Please contact Mark @ (509) 720-3656 if you are in need of those additional 1/2 price wristbands.



Parking for spectators is free of charge.  Spectator parking will be in the upper south lot behind the press box, the east parking lot next to the ticket box office, the lot across Market street to the east at the Mead Transportation Building, street parking, and an overflow lot to the north of the stadium next to the fire station.  There will be parking attendants and signage to assist with parking locations



Please use the entrance at the road closure at the intersection of Freya and Farwell (see event map).  There will be parking attendants and signage to assist with parking locations. Parking "backstage" is for equipment vehicles and buses only. Additional trailers, campers, personal vehicles, etc will be asked to park in the dirt lot to the east of the locker rooms.



Concessions will be available on the EAST end of the stadium.  Beverages, snacks and other commonly found concessions  items will be available all day; soda, coffee, hot chocolate, popcorn, hot dogs, nachos, candy, etc. A few breakfast items such as muffins will also be available.



Official warm up areas are scheduled for your group and are located at Creekside Elementary School to the west of the parking lots and stadium.  Many of you will choose to begin warm up, stretching, etc. prior to your designated time.  This can be done in the fields of Creekside Elementary SILENTLY and will be allowed provided it does not infringe on others, including the performers and spectators. Those groups infringing on others will be asked to discontinue the activity.  In general, PLEASE BE COURTEOUS to others and be willing to cease the disruptive activity if asked to do so.  Risk of penalty does exist for violation.


Additional percussion ensemble warm up areas were added in 2022.  These areas are "open" for use all day.  We do ask that you are courteous to all units and reasonable with the amount of time spent in these areas.


As a general rule while in warm up areas - if members of your ensemble can see the press box or stadium seating, do not make sounds; instruments, metronomes, claves, etc.


Amplification devices used for warming up (such as a Mega Vox, Long Ranger, sound system, etc.) should be used far from the stadium, and should face away from the stadium and into the ground if possible. Gock blocks, claves, and other such tempo providers should also be used sparingly and away from the stadium. A warning shall be given before a penalty is assessed. Bands who are approached by the Contest Coordinator, Show Staff, or NWAPA Board Members and asked to adjust their volume or move locations shall immediately comply with the request. Bands who choose to escalate the confrontation or who do not comply shall be penalized.



Your pit and props will enter via the west end breezeway. Please report at the time listed on the schedule.  A field guide will assist you through this process.


Storage for your props and some pit items can be in the designated areas. Please check the event map for these areas. Vehicles may drop props in these areas but cannot stay in these areas.


Entry dimensions - Maximum width available is 10ft 3in.  Maximum height available is unlimited (open air gate available).



All performers will enter the field via the west side (side 1).  Please report to this area at the times listed in the schedule.



Interval Time will start when the first marching performer crosses into front field (across center X).  Interval time will stop when all performers are making forward progress towards side 1 front field exit.

Performance time and judging will begin at first note or movement after the announcer has said "Performing their program...."



If you use a pit vehicle (Gator, golf cart, 4 wheeler, etc) please know these can be used up to, but not on the synthetic field turf.



All members of your ensemble and field helpers will exit on the same side of the field they entered. (Side 1).



Pit equipment storage is very limited.  We are requesting that most your equipment travel back to your equipment vehicle area after your performance.  If necessary, there are designated areas for pit and prop storage. Please use this while being courteous to all other competing groups.



In addition to the power outlets available at field level in multiple locations across the front and back sidelines, an extension cord will be provided to allow power to be accessible at the 50 yard line, front sideline. Please bring extension cords if you are needing to access power beyond that location.



For your convenience, there are dumpsters and/or trash cans placed near parking areas. Please help us by placing your trash in those receptacles. 



This show does not offer group photographs. Open Your Eyes Visuals will be onsite taking individual candid shots as students are performing.  Visit for more information and to find photos.



This show does not offer video or audio recordings of performances.  Staff, chaperones, or other designated individuals may use the area located on the main stadium walkway identified as "Staff Viewing" for an area to record.  The "Crow's Nest" on top of the press box is not available for use.



After each round of competition, each A, AA, AAA, and AAAA band shall receive a numerical score that is based on a composite judges’ score, out of a possible maximum of 100.00, computed to the nearest hundredth of a point, minus any penalty points. The composite judges’ score is the sum of the scores given by each of eight judges, apportioned and weighted as follows:


  • General Effect (40 points): General Effect Music (20 pts) and General Effect Visual (20 pts)

  • Music Performance (30 points): Music Ensemble (10 pts), Music Individual (10 pts), Percussion (10 pts)

  • Visual Performance (30 points): Visual Ensemble (10 pts), Visual Individual (10 pts), Auxiliary (Color Guard) (10 pts)



Preliminaries classification order at every event will be A, AA, AAA, AAAA.


The order in which bands compete within their class in the Preliminary contest is determined at the NWAPA Fall Draw Meeting (See Fall Draw). Bands that are unable to participate in the draw, either because they are not paid in full or are a Guest Band, will compete within their appropriate class in reverse order of when their entry fee is received, but before bands whose performance time is determined via the draw process. Exception – Not including NWAPA Championships, if in attendance, the previous winner of an event shall be scheduled last in their class for the preliminary round of competition. NWAPA Championships will utilize the fall draw results as note above.



The following caption and placement awards will be presented for highest score in each division of the preliminary round –

  • Caption Awards - 

    • General Effect - based on the combined scores of the General Effect judges (GE Visual + GE Music)

    • Music - based on combined scores from music judges (Music Individual + Music Ensemble)

    • Visual - based on combined scores from visual judges (Visual Individual + Visual Ensemble)

    • Color Guard - based solely on the score from the color guard/auxiliary judge

    • Percussion - based solely on the score from the percussion judge

  • Division Awards - placement for overall score within division – 1st, 2nd and 3rd place



Prelims awards and finals schedule will be announced at the drum major only retreat.  See the schedule for drum major report times.



The finals round will be scored and considered independent of the scores that were achieved during the preliminary round.


All bands will perform in finals and will be scored as one “Open” division; there will be no consideration for division or band size. 


Bands shall perform in the Finals Round of competition in reverse order of their finish in the Preliminary Contest, based on their final, calculated numerical scores, and regardless of classification. In the event that two Finals bands achieved the same score in prelims, the band that performed first in prelims will perform first in finals. Exhibition bands shall perform in a time slot at the discretion of NWAPA Fall Vice President, Contest Coordinator, and Show Sponsor.


The following caption and placement awards will be presented during finals based on the best overall scores achieved during the finals competition only.  There are no class awards during the finals contest.


  • Best Drum Major

  • Caption Awards for overall high score in – 

    • General Effect - based on the combined scores of the General Effect judges (GE Visual + GE Music)

    • Music - based on combined scores from music judges (Music Individual + Music Ensemble)

    • Visual - based on combined scores from visual judges (Visual Individual + Visual Ensemble)

    • Color Guard - based solely on the score from the color guard/auxiliary judge

    • Percussion - based solely on the score from the percussion judge

  • Placement for overall score (no finals divisions) – 1st, 2nd and 3rd place



Finals will be drum major retreat only.



Directors should receive an email from Contest Dynamics for audio and digital sheets containing judges comments. 



Score tabulation is provided and performed by NWAPA






302 W. Hastings RD

Spokane, WA 99218


Rob Lewis

Tel: 509-465-7047

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Email *



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